UC Berkeley: Haas Business School Entrepreneurship Class

Design thinking + lean startup workshops


> Facilitating design thinking workshops

> Lean startup methodology

> Social entrepreneurship education


Super Curious Founder, Alex Molloy, has been teaching “Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs” and Social Entrepreneurship as a guest lecturer at UC Berkeley Haas Business School for 7 years.  She uses hands on workshops to get the undergraduate students in the “Entrepreneurship” course to think about human centered design when developing new business ideas.

UCB Haas Ranks as #7 Business School in the United States

Students show off their prototypes


Using a flipped classroom approach, we create a user centric design thinking course that shows points out the similarities of design thinking and business creation. To show lean startup methodology (fast iteration!) and the prototyping phase of the design process, we then lead the students in a prototype workshop.


By going through each stage of the design thinking process, students create a product (lego house or packaging peanut hat) for their client and iterate on it according to testing.