A Commitment to Ethical Design

Our Design Ethics


Be Awesome

Consider best design practices and do the best work.

  • Create consistency across platforms/mediums.
  • Simplicity is key.


Be human-centered

Always keep the user at the center of your work.

  • Start with the user.
  • Seek to include the user in as much of your process as possible.
  • Rely on the data and the research.
  • Consider inclusivity, accessibility and diversity.

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Be sensitive

Be sensitive to your users and client’s needs.

  • Consider your influence and conflicts of interest.
  • Be sensitive when interviewing.
  • Be aware of cultural differences and plan accordingly.
  • Take measures to protect your user’s privacy and security.


Be lean

Work with what you got and don’t reinvent the wheel.

  • Use current design patterns.
  • Build upon completed work (in field or company).


Be Comprehensive

Seek to understand the context of the problem.

  • Educate yourself on ecosystem and context.
  • Stay up to date on the design and ecosystem.


Be conscious

Be fair and consider your social responsibility.

  • Clarify ethical standards with team.
  • Consider applicable laws, regulations and trade agreements.


Be transparent

Be open and truthful about your work.

  • Be transparent with participants (when possible).
  • Be honest about your data.


Be collaborative

Seek to collaborative with a diverse set of people.

  • Respect your your team and your employer/client.
  • Work as a team.
  • Help and educate your fellow designers.

Super Curious Ethics Workshop

Contact me directly to lead virtual or in person ethics workshop or download the PDF here to try it yourself.