Design Thinking in Africa Tour

Design thinking workshops for impact companies in Morocco, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda.


> Design thinking facilitator

> Educator


After living in South Africa and studying African Studies it was always a dream of Super Curious founder, Alex Molloy, to go back. In 2017 she offered 5 workshops to nonprofits and social enterprises in Morocco, Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda.


  • Design thinking
  • Empathy
  • Interviewing techniques
  • Personas
  • User Journey Mapping
  • Ideation and rapid prototyping


What Clients Think

“It inspired us to think beyond our current situation and dream of new ideas with a tangible way to bring implementation.”
The experience was an eye-opener. The structured flow of the programme applies just the right amount of pressure to help teams develop the habit of solving problems within a given time period. The prototyping exercise helped the us better visualize what our solution would look like while enriching our team chemistry in the process."




WeMENA empowers and equips women entrepreneurs to solve the future’s most difficult problems. Through a business model challenge, WeMENA accelerates innovative solutions that will help eight cities across the Middle East and North Africa.


We developed a workshop that brought together women leaders, entrepreneurs and representatives of regional eco-systems around the theme “Empowerment through Empathy” through learning empathetic interviewing techniques.

KENYA: Kilimo Swag

Kilimo Swag is set to be Africa’s first ecosystem that uses localized technology and global best-practices in agriculture to empower smallholder farmers across the continent. Over the next 5 years the platform will empower over 4 million young smallholder farmers with the skills that will improve the quality of their produce, create stable employment, access global markets and other economic opportunities through financial inclusion.


Kilimo Swag’s challenge was that they had not yet spoke directly with their users. Alex developed a custom workshop that did a deep dive into understanding their user using empathetic interview techniques, personas, how might we statements, ideation and storyboarding.

KENYA: Jacaranda



Jacaranda is on a mission is to meet spiritual and physical needs throughout the city of Nairobi. They do this by creating jobs for widows and single mothers through the trade of sewing and provide the care and protection for their children through education and health care.


Jacaranda, as a social enterprise, was having challenges with growth of their fashion product line that helped fund the social programs. In order to unite the team and get the creative juices flowing, Alex created a customized workshop that took the team through the entire human centered design process, focusing on empathy, how might we statements, ideation, and rapid prototyping.

UGANDA: Kikandwa Environmental Association



Kikandwa Environmental Association (KEA) is a developmental community based organisation in Uganda founded in 1999 with purpose of addressing rural development issues and natural resource management. KEA was born out of the need to address the alarming low levels of food security, low income in the rural communities in addition to protecting against rapid degradation of natural resource on which more than 95% of Mubende and Mityana District depend for their livelihood.


KEW was having challenges around fundraising but had only been experimenting with traditional methods. In order to break the team out of this way of thinking we created a workshop that would focus on get the creative juices flowing through ideation. Alex created a customized workshop that she led on the farm to educate the team about human-centered design process and inspire fresh ideas with rapid ideation exercises.