UC Berkeley: Haas Business School 

Design thinking for Entrepreneurs Class


> Educator

> Design thinking facilitator


Super Curious Founder, Alex Molloy, has been teaching “Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs” and Social Entrepreneurship as a guest lecturer at UC Berkeley Haas Business School for 7 years.


She uses hands on workshops to get the undergraduate students in the “Entrepreneurship” course to think about human centered design when developing new business ideas.

  • Design thinking methodology
  • Lean startup methodology
  • User research, empathy and interviewing
  • Ideation and rapid prototyping
  • Social entrepreneurship education


What Students Think

"I loved the class! It was so interactive!"
"Great presentation and energy!"
"Alex is a great presenter and made it very easy for me to stay focused."
"Inspirational! Glad that we got [to prototype an] app at the end."


Using a flipped classroom approach, we create a user centric design thinking course that shows points out the similarities of design thinking and business creation.


To show lean startup methodology and human centered design practices I focus on design thinking methodology, social entrepreneurship and then a series of workshops. Workshops have included deep dive in research and interviewing techniques, ideation and storyboarding, and rapid paper prototyping.